不歡迎外國人?加拿大《遊戲王》玩家被日本卡牌店拒之門外 網:純屬個案
不會日語所以不給玩?來自加拿大的 YouTuber「Squiddy」是一名《遊戲王》實體卡牌玩家,而近日他自己即使是前往日本參加比賽時,卻因為他不懂日文所以吃了閉門羹,對此他表示這是日本人對他的「歧視」對待。
Squiddy 表示自己搭了一小時的電車,試圖報名參加一場《遊戲王》實體比賽時,卻被現場人員告知自己不得參加。現場工作人員用 Google 翻譯向他表示:「只有日本人才能參賽,因為外國人會對其他顧客和員工造成問題。」
then i go to a second store and ask about tournaments on google translate, they chat among themselves before telling me they don't have yugioh tournaments. despite having an entire floor selling yugioh cards and tables with people literally playing yugioh 🤦🏻 (2/3) pic.twitter.com/lxjXFGtB4j
— Squiddy (@Squiddytastic) June 8, 2024
後續 Squiddy 又前往另一間卡牌店並向店員詢問是否有舉辦《遊戲王》比賽。然而,即使現場坐滿了《遊戲王》卡牌玩家,但在店員們互相討論後,他們仍向 Squiddy 告知這間店並未舉辦任何比賽。
「想像一下如果日本玩家跑來到美國想要比賽,現場人員卻跟他們說『你不會講英語所以你不能玩』。這種狗屁根本就行不通,完全就是歧視。」Squiddy 在貼文中憤怒說道。
the crazy part is it isn't just yugioh either. i went to a sushi place today and was told to leave because i don't speak japanese, which is what pushed it over the edge for me to even make this post (other restaurants were amazing but this one caught me by surprise) pic.twitter.com/pY2SgwYIUm
— Squiddy (@Squiddytastic) June 8, 2024
雖然 Squiddy 最後也強調,日本依然有不少願意陪他玩上幾局的善良玩家,但他無法報名參加比賽一事也引起熱議。部份網友認為日幣貶值吸引到不少外國觀光客,但也對日本在地居民造成困擾,導致外國人的名聲降到低點。
不過,也有外國網友表示一切純屬個案:有些店家只是單純覺得和外籍客人打交道很麻煩,但是又不好意思直接講出來;然而也有許多店家願意接納外國玩家,因此 Squiddy 這樣嚷著「被歧視」並且一竿子打翻所有日本人的行為也有問題。
I'll post this since I actually have lived in Japan the last 6 years. The quoted post is straight up misinformation. It depends on the locals. Some locals just don't want to deal with English speakers. Some are more than welcoming.
— Ethan182 (@YTethan182) June 9, 2024
I commented on it, because I've had experience in OCG local tourneys, I basically said I had been to numerous shops and staff was always friendly and gave me a Japanese Konami id the first time to play, he had ONE experience and takes it as the NATION is xenophobic 🥲😆
— TokyoRobb▶🇵🇷 (@TokyoRobb) June 9, 2024