Bethesda 睽違 25 年打造的新 IP《星空》(Starfield)準備在 9 月 6 日正式發售,豪華版玩家將於 9 月 1 日投入浩瀚宇宙,除了遭到逮捕的偷跑黑人小哥,許多海外媒體已收到官方提供的搶先評測版,且目前體驗過的玩家都表示,BUG 一隻手可以數的出來。
知名爆料記者 Tom Henderson 昨(27)日發文,他與多位《星空》搶先玩家接觸,一致認為 Bethesada 在遊戲發售前已盡力最佳化,據稱幾乎所有已發現的 bug,都會在發售首日的更新檔修復,
Starfield is Bethesda's Least Buggiest Game to Date, Say Sources https://t.co/y53rqmkdd5
— Insider Gaming (@InsiderGamingIG) August 27, 2023
文章引用遊戲記者 Tyler McVicker 分享的 X 推文,遊玩《星空》15 小時內沒有碰到任何 bug,其他 5 位匿名玩家也發表了類似的觀點,雖然體驗時長不等,但都表示遇到的 bug 屈指可數。
另一方面,許多玩家擔心,《星空》浩瀚的「開放世界」,是否只是另一款《無人深空》?Tom Henderson 就這款遊戲是否存在「地圖邊界」的問題,與玩家在 X 進行討論。
根據自身遊玩的經驗,Tom Henderson 指出《星空》裡的不同的行星,擁有不同數量的著陸點和地形限制,系統內建 3~5 個主要登陸地點,也就是興趣點(Point of Interest),當玩家探索這些 POIs 著陸點後,也能夠自行決定在任何地方降落,僅會受到地形限制。
You have 3-5 landing spots that are POIs.
— Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) August 27, 2023
You then have 3-5 landing spots where you can land anywhere and once that limit is reached, you just land somewhere else and it basically rewrites/deletes your oldest spot.
You can land and go anywhere and explore the whole planet. https://t.co/s6p7RzrC6K
Look at it like you can only go so far because of your oxygen supply or something idk https://t.co/IObJy6m7AD
— Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) August 27, 2023
他形容就像把星球分割成 500 塊(假設數量),「當玩家降落在一個方塊上進行探索等,然後跳回太空船選擇另一個方塊探索。如果玩家願意,可以選擇剛剛探索過的方塊旁邊的方塊,然後繼續在整個星球上進行此操作。」
Easiest way to view it is like the planet is divided into 500 tiles (not the actual number). You land in one tile, explore, etc. And then jump back into your ship to select another tile to explore. If you really wanted to, you can just select the tile next to the one you've just… https://t.co/74uh1XGscV
— Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) August 27, 2023
總而言之,玩家可以選擇一個著陸點降落,也可以即時前往已知地點,「如果想要朝同一個方向跑 10 個小時,那你不如去玩《Minecraft》。」
Pretty self-explanatory in the Direct.
— Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) August 26, 2023
"You can choose a landing spot or fast travel to known locations".
The only thing that wasn't mentioned is the terrain limit and well, if you want to walk for 10 hours in one direction then go and play Minecraft or something.… pic.twitter.com/lH9dRf5x0j