《最後生還者 三部曲》艾莉不是主角了?傳頑皮狗正挑選一批多元化新角色
頑皮狗(Naughty Dog)動作冒險生存恐怖《最後生還者》(The Last of Us)系列,隨著 HBO 改編真人電視劇,挽救《二部曲》崩壞的口碑,近日關於該系列最新續作的傳聞又突然變多了。
2022 年 12 月,爆料人 ViewerAnon 曾表示,頑皮狗的下一款作品將是《最後生還者 三部曲》,今(3)日他再度補充這款正在早期開發階段的遊戲最新情報:艾莉在續作中的戲份將會和前作「一樣重要」,雖然她在二部曲失去幾根手指,但只要她還活著,就很難脫離主線劇情。
Look, it’s early, story details are tweaked and everything is potentially up in the air to be changed, but I assure you I’ve heard Ellie is at least as important in LAST OF US PART III as she was in PART II. https://t.co/WYdKRFo0pG
— ViewerAnon (@ViewerAnon) July 2, 2023
ViewerAnon 具體表示,《最後生還者 三部曲》現正進行「主要拍攝」階段,動作捕捉和錄音工作將在未來幾個月內執行,其他網友不明白他的意思,他解釋「無論(你)如何去去定義,他們都在滾動攝影機並錄音。」
儘管現階段還無法得知影集第二季,還是遊戲第三部誰會先做好,但頑皮狗打鐵趁熱是合理的,另根據知名爆料客 Rino(@RinoTheBouncer)統整,接續前述傳聞說艾莉會飾演「重要角色」,但她不會是主角,而劇情將設定在末日後郊區的一群拾荒者身上,倖存者們聚集在一棟維多利亞風格的房子中。
The story could still somehow tie into Ellie. She’s not the main character, but those five could end up discovering the immunity thing and find Ellie or Abby and the Fireflies and then back to Ellie.
— Rino (@RinoTheBouncer) July 2, 2023
Even though this feels a lot more like Factions 2
Lucas、Mason、Val、Adhra 和 Gracie,有網友吐槽,艾莉不是主角太扯了,但 Rino 表示這完全可以預料,譬如第一部的主角是喬爾,到二部曲讓玩家操作主角變成艾莉,還有另一位新角。
It is to be expected, actually. Joel was the main character for the first one, and the second one had you play as Ellie and a new character.
— Rino (@RinoTheBouncer) July 2, 2023
I wouldn’t be surprised if the new one has Dina’s child grow into one of these adults who eventually find Ellie or Abby and the story…