《最後生還者》泰絲演員Annie Wersching癌症逝世享年45歲 頑皮狗、尼爾雙雙發文悼念
《最後生還者》泰絲演員 Annie Wersching 今(30)日傳出不敵癌症病魔離世,享年 45 歲。
Wersching 以在《24反恐任務》中飾演 Renee Walker,以及在《離家童盟》(Marvel's Runaways)飾演 Leslie Dean 著名。在遊戲界,則以《最後生還者》女配角泰絲的演出者為人知。
根據外媒 Deadline 報導,Wersching 於 2020 年被診斷出患有癌症,但仍繼續進行演藝事業,出演《星際爭霸戰:畢凱》(Star Trek: Picard)跟《菜鳥老警》(The Rookie)。
得知 Wersching 不幸過世的消息,《最後生還者》開發商頑皮狗與創意總監 Neil Druckmann 皆發文致哀,並雙雙分享 GoFundMe 上,為了離世演員家人設立的募資連結,協助 Wersching 一家在治喪的這段期間以及往後能有金錢支助。
We at Naughty Dog are deeply saddened to hear of Annie Wersching's passing. We keep her in our hearts and memories, and we hope that her family may find peace during this time.
— Naughty Dog (@Naughty_Dog) January 29, 2023
If you would like to support her family, please consider donating: https://t.co/KsvecO0wPw
Just found out my dear friend, Annie Wersching, passed away. We just lost a beautiful artist and human being. My heart is shattered. Thoughts are with her loved ones.
— Neil Druckmann (@Neil_Druckmann) January 29, 2023
There’s a go fund me set up for her family: https://t.co/dhvk6uOvZV