Riot遭駭《英雄聯盟》《聯盟戰棋》原始碼外流 官方拒付贖金駭客轉而兜售?
《英雄聯盟》開發商 Riot Games 近日證實遊戲原始碼遭竊取,駭客一度開價 1,000 萬美元作為贖金,更傳出正在兜售代碼。
本月 21 日,Riot 曾指出公司開發環境系統遭到攻擊,並於 3 日後更新狀況,指出經內部分析,該波駭客攻擊導致《英雄聯盟》、《聯盟戰棋》以及一個反作弊平台的原始碼外流。
與此同時,公司收到來自駭客的勒索信件,據傳贖金金額為 1,000 萬美元。對於駭客提出的要求,Riot 表示不會支付贖金。雖然暴露原始碼有可能讓新的外掛出現,且還包括一些實驗性的內容,但大部分內容都處於原型階段,並不保證最終會發布。
Today, we received a ransom email. Needless to say, we won’t pay.
— Riot Games (@riotgames) January 24, 2023
While this attack disrupted our build environment and could cause issues in the future, most importantly we remain confident that no player data or player personal information was compromised.
The illegally obtained source code also includes a number of experimental features. While we hope some of these game modes and other changes eventually make it out to players, most of this content is in prototype and there’s no guarantee it will ever be released.
— Riot Games (@riotgames) January 24, 2023
表明立場同時稍微解釋嚴重性之餘,Riot 指出自攻擊以來,團隊在修復相關問題上有很大的進展,也通知了執法部門,並與他們積極合作,調查此次襲擊及其背後的組織。
Our security teams and globally recognized external consultants continue to evaluate the attack and audit our systems. We’ve also notified law enforcement and are in active cooperation with them as they investigate the attack and the group behind it.
— Riot Games (@riotgames) January 24, 2023
似乎是官方態度強硬,駭客乾脆直接尋找有意購買原始碼的買家。根據外媒 NME 報導,駭客宣布正在拍賣拳頭社著名遊戲代碼。
至於事件更進一步的後續處理及進度,Riot 將在未來發布完整的報告,詳細說明駭客使用的技術、Riot 安全控制不足的地方,以及往後會採取的應對措施。
We’re committed to transparency and will release a full report in the future detailing the attackers’ techniques, the areas where Riot’s security controls failed, and the steps we’re taking to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
— Riot Games (@riotgames) January 24, 2023