土著喘口氣!恐怖生存《陰森之子》延期「最後一次」 明年2月登島虐野人
恐怖生存名作《陰森》(The Forest)續作《陰森之子》(暫譯,Sons of The Forest)再延期,一口氣延至明年 2 月。
在續作《陰森之子》之中,玩家將扮演前作主角之子,因調查另一島嶼時載具墜毀,遂跟上老爸的腳步展開生存之旅。遊戲最初定在 5 月 20 日推出,今年 3 月曾推延過一次,宣布玩家 10 月能再登島欺負土著,惟這回盼到的不是確切上市日期,而是再一次的等待。
Hey Everyone,
— Endnight Games (@EndNightGame) March 25, 2022
Over these past few weeks, we have realized that our May 2022 release date for Sons Of The Forest was overly ambitious. To be able to deliver our vision of the next step in survival games, we’ve decided to move our release date to October 2022
The team at Endnight pic.twitter.com/R9xRCUbtIt
根據官方說法,《陰森之子》存在一定規模,所以難決定確切的發布日期,因此不得不再度延期,不過官方也強調是「最後一次」(one last time)。
Hey Everyone,
— Endnight Games (@EndNightGame) August 31, 2022
Due to the scope of our new game Sons Of The Forest, it has been hard to pinpoint an exact release date, and today we have to delay one last time.
Giving us time to complete the polish we feel is needed, we will release Feb 23, 2023, priced at $29.99USD. pic.twitter.com/9SmeLelmj6
《陰森之子》將於 2023 年 2 月 23 日推出,預定售價 29.99 美元(約新台幣 914 元)。Steam 頁面現已開張,有興趣的讀者可先加入願望清單。