劇情早爆光《全軍破敵:戰鎚3》鐵粉卻乾等 中國玩家不滿官方宣傳怒灌負評
由 Creative Assembly 開發、SEGA 和 Feral Interactive 發行的《全軍破敵:戰鎚3》昨(17)日正式登上 Steam,不過官方事前宣傳方式引發中國玩家不滿,因而遭負評轟炸。
這波負評潮起因於官方遊戲推出前在中國的行銷策略。根據遊戲市場分析師 Daniel Ahmad 的說法,《全軍破敵》系列遊戲以往宣傳較針對特定受眾,所以慣例會把體驗序號提供給真的愛玩遊戲的實況主,並鎖住部分內容以防偷跑。
For previous games, the influencer promotions were much more targeted, codes were given to streamers that enjoyed the game and certain parts of the game were locked off to prevent spoilers.
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) February 17, 2022
Creative Assembly China staff said they were trying to reach a broader audience this time pic.twitter.com/rHH7sofDx6
The mistakes that gamers called out are as follows:
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) February 17, 2022
- Early access version was given to too many random streamers, both big and small.
- These streamers knew nothing about the game or how to play, were generally disinterested.
- These streamers spoiled parts of the game.
其中的評論不外乎將矛頭指向官方的宣傳手法,指出實況主老早在 1、2 個月前就把遊戲玩透透,玩家卻得配合預定的上市日期。對此,Creative Assembly 承認確實有問題存在,也理解玩家抱怨的原因。
Whether this impacts long term sales remains to be seen, and it's likely just a vocal minority as always. But CA has acknowledged the issue and said they understand the complaints.
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) February 17, 2022
This shows the importance of understanding players in China both from a dev + promotion approach.
根據外媒 PC Gamer 報導,《全軍破敵:戰鎚3》過去幾週在中國皆位居 Steam 預購銷售榜首,足見中國玩家十分熱愛與期待本作,因此不難看出為何粉絲會如此氣憤。