《大都會:天際2》玩家回報車子在圓環不禮讓 官方解釋交通AI特性:跟現實一樣
由 Colossal Order 開發、Paradox Interactive 發行的城市建設模擬遊戲《大都會:天際 2》(Cities: Skylines II)上個月 24 日推出,有玩家近期反映城市的交通混亂,AI 駕駛不懂得禮讓?
然而,《大都會:天際 2》中的圓環卻出一些奇怪的現象。X(舊稱推特)用戶 Kaybs Gaming 向 Colossal Order 回報車輛進入圓環時沒有「互相讓行」。
Quick question for @ColossalOrder/@CitiesSkylines - why do cars not obey the inherent yield when entering a roundabout? Its chaos...
— Kaybs Gaming (@KaybsGaming) November 19, 2023
據悉,本作中的交通 AI 將最大限度地利用車道,讓車輛盡可能順利地通過,在圓環也可以看到同樣的行為。所以汽車總是會尋找交通順暢的路線,如果圓環處有空檔,就會嘗試插到其他汽車前面,就跟現實生活一樣。
Vehicles are always looking for ways to increase the traffic flow. If they see an opening in the roundabout they'll take it, even if it means cutting in front of another vehicle - just like drivers in real life might.
— Colossal Order (@ColossalOrder) November 21, 2023
對於這個解釋,Kaybs Gaming 稱讚遊戲的交通 AI 的路線選擇,但覺得在圓環也這樣的話太過激進,自己可以保證如此粗心的駕駛行為,在道路上有許多圓環的國家裡不太常見。
While I appreciate the feature, I think in the case of roundabouts, it is tuned a little aggressively. As someone who lives in a country full of roundabouts, I can assure you this doesn't happen very often.
— Kaybs Gaming (@KaybsGaming) November 21, 2023
《大都會:天際 2》現已在 Steam 上推出,也適用 PC Game Pass。計劃於明年春季登陸 PS5、Xbox Series X|S。針對圓環交通亂象,官方未來或許會慢慢調整。