《HoloCure》正式登Steam!逾3萬同上速收極度好評 ID組0.6更新同步推出
由動畫師 Kay Yu 製作的 hololive 好評佛心同人遊戲《HoloCure》今(17)日正式登 Steam,跟過去一樣開放免費遊玩,上線沒多久就獲極度好評,有逾 3.3 萬人同上(目前還在成長)。
#HoloCure 0.6の立ち絵描かせていただきました!🇮🇩🥳
— ポテト🐾 (@potato7192) August 17, 2023
HoloID#ioarts #hoshinovart #iRISUtration #graveyart #reinessance #anyatelier #inkaela #zetacrylic #aeruseni pic.twitter.com/l4JJWSQ9pU
《HoloCure》於 2022 年推出採倖存者(Survivors)的彈幕玩法,遊戲內容豐富為其賣點,一年多來不斷新增遊玩要素跟 holo 成員,過往便曾受海外知名實況主 Asmongold 讚賞遊戲體驗暨龐大且完整。
延伸閱讀:Asmongold讚《HoloCure》內容豐富居然免費 開發者Kay Yu看反應很驚訝
這回 Steam 版本連同 0.6 版一同上線,官方在遊戲正式開放下載前提醒玩家,只要前一次遊玩 0.5 更新的電腦還是同一台的話,只需在 Steam 上下載並啟動遊戲即可。之前的保存遊戲資料將自動轉移,無需任何其他操作。先前解過的成就也會同時解鎖為 Steam 成就。
Your previous achievements will also be unlocked as Steam Achievements automatically upon launching the game.
— HoloCure (@HoloCureGame) August 17, 2023
If your username previously contains special characters or non-english letters, it will automatically be switched to "Player".
— HoloCure (@HoloCureGame) August 17, 2023
You can rechange your name under the new settings in the Leaderboard menu.
Please check and confirm your username setting. pic.twitter.com/YKlDtOwAun
最後,稍微提一下作者日前釋出的《熱血硬派國夫君外傳 熱血少女》風格 EN 三期生雙子動畫,有玩家藉機提問 Kay Yu 何時會將雙子加入《HoloCure》。對此,作者表示 1 年左右過後會再回答這個問題,因為還有太多成員要加進遊戲,如果直接安插 EN 三期生會太亂。
yeah I'll get back to you on that in a year or so
— Kay (@holocuredev) August 14, 2023
no it's more because there's still a loooooooooooooot of members that have been waiting for their character before EN3 joined
— Kay (@holocuredev) August 14, 2023
would be pretty messed up to suddenly cut EN3 in front of all them