《Apex 英雄》女子賽傳出跨性別選手遭禁賽引爭議 官方急發聲明致歉恢復參賽資格
主要為女性玩家舉辦電競賽事的組織 HER Galaxy 在今年五月舉辦一場《Apex 英雄》女子錦標賽,近期該場賽事卻深陷爭議風波,原因是主辦單位在預賽結束後,取消了一支擁有跨性別選手隊伍的晉級資格。
這支擁有跨性別選手的隊伍 VEXXX 在遭到禁賽後,身為隊員之一的 rkxine 於推特發布聲明,表示隊伍過去已向主辦單位確認過跨性別者可以參與比賽,但卻在預賽結束後取消了他們的晉級資格,這一點讓他們相當難以接受。
@EA @PlayApex Team VEXXX was eliminated from the @hergalaxygg $100K Apex Legends Open Women's Tournament, less than 48 hours before upper brackets, which we qualified for, because our teammate is transgender with the following pronouns: she/they. We all passed verification -
— 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓲 (@rkxine) May 19, 2023
除了 VEXXX 隊友出面控訴以外,其他隊伍的選手也在推特進行聲援,並暗指有隊伍在直播中涉及仇恨、歧視言論,很有可能就是該隊伍向賽事單位舉報跨性別者違規參賽。
. @hergalaxygg
— Ira🕷 (@loserira) May 19, 2023
kicked team Vexx out of the HG tourney based off false accusations submitted by wondernikki, yet she gets to openly display malicious and transphobic hate during the scrims and tournaments? Here are video examples pic.twitter.com/AJsOIY2auh
選手的控訴在社群上引起軒然大波,許多選手以及玩家強烈呼籲主辦單位出面給個說法。隔日 HER Galaxy 發布聲明向 VEXXX 隊伍致歉,並恢復了隊伍的參賽資格。同時官方也指出因為有其他隊伍發布的言論已經違反行為準則,他們堅守對歧視行為零容忍的政策,因此取消了該隊伍的參賽資格。
Following today’s events, we have made the decision to reinstate the team in question to the HER Galaxy $100K Apex Legends Open. The HER Galaxy $100K Apex Legends Open was created to provide an inclusive, welcoming space for women and trans women. This is a teachable moment for…
— HER GALAXY (@hergalaxygg) May 19, 2023