《電馭叛客2077》寓言成真!中國病患不喜歡機器人冷漠掛號 竟把它打爛
![圖 / 電馭叛客2077、Reddit](https://pgw.udn.com.tw/gw/photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/04/26/0/21416238.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&exp=3600&sl=W&&fw=800)
相信許多人都對大作《電馭叛客2077》的遊戲世界觀和任務記憶猶新,遊戲影射了一個機器和人性充滿矛盾的未來世界,而在 2023 年的現在,相關的諷刺現象已經上演。近日在中國有身體不舒服的病人,因為不喜歡機器人掛號看病,竟然憤而打爛機器人。
A Chinese patient in a hospital, no longer able to bear having to go through a robot to make an appointment with a doctor, destroyed the machine.
by u/infinitiumvortex in PublicFreakout
這支 4 月 25 日出現在 Reddit PublicFreakout 論壇上的影片,清楚記錄一位中國病人近日在醫院內,因為不能忍受機器人掛號,居然動手打毀機器人的許多部件!網友推測畫面中黃色外套女子暴怒的原因,可能是因為身體已經處在不舒服的狀態,但還要面對冰冷的機器提問,才會突然理智線斷裂;畢竟多數人不喜歡和機器打交道。
by u/kaldoreiking from discussion A Chinese patient in a hospital, no longer able to bear having to go through a robot to make an appointment with a doctor, destroyed the machine.
in cyberpunkgame
by u/Medium-Remote2477 from discussion A Chinese patient in a hospital, no longer able to bear having to go through a robot to make an appointment with a doctor, destroyed the machine.
in PublicFreakout
by u/Krcko98 from discussion A Chinese patient in a hospital, no longer able to bear having to go through a robot to make an appointment with a doctor, destroyed the machine.
in cyberpunkgame
by u/Xenonimoose from discussion A Chinese patient in a hospital, no longer able to bear having to go through a robot to make an appointment with a doctor, destroyed the machine.
in cyberpunkgame
由於這個現象簡直和《電馭叛客2077》的遊戲世界如出一轍,也被網友轉發到了《電馭叛客2077》Reddit 遊戲版上(現已因違反版規刪除),看到這個狀況的網友們也嘖嘖稱奇,表示社會之大無奇不有,也許每個人都要開始習慣和機器相處。