《空洞騎士:絲綢之歌》展開搶先體驗?玩家收到疑似官方信件 槽點滿滿小心釣魚
《空洞騎士:絲綢之歌》是 2023 年預計上市遊戲陣容中,玩家相當期待的一款作品。近期疑似出現釣魚信件,假冒成官方寄信給玩家,聲稱有搶先體驗新作的機會。
根據外媒 GamesRadar 報導,海外 YouTuber「John Wolfe」最近收到一封有關《空洞騎士:絲綢之歌》搶先體驗的電子郵件。本以為是難得的大好機會,但一些疑點讓 Wolfe 很快意識到這並不甚麼喜訊。
Wolfe 假定自己不是唯一一位收到信件的人,於是在個人推特上提醒網友此事,並分析若收到了類似的東西該注意甚麼。首先是信件開頭的招呼語,以及出現不像專案管理人員會使用的字詞。
First, check the language used. Sometimes it's the obvious "Hello dear" opener, or rampant misspellings.
— John Wolfe (@JohnWolfeYT) January 7, 2023
Other times, it's less apparent things, like using the words "cooperation", "collaboration", "advertising". Professional games PR typically don't frame the email like that. pic.twitter.com/RPTC5ebUJd
另外,寄件人的信箱最末端出現「.tech」跟《空洞騎士》開發團隊 Team Cherry 所使用的「.com」有出入。再者,除非是大型的遊戲發行商,遊戲團隊多半會與公關公司合作,請他們協助發布新聞稿等遊戲資訊。更有趣的是,來信者署名 Sarah,可是 Team Cherry 官網顯示的團隊成員並沒有 Sarah 這個人,因此搶先體驗有很高機率是假的。
Another problem here: Team Cherry is the Hollow Knight DEVELOPER. You will almost never be contacted by the actual developer of the game for major releases - that's why they employ PR agencies.
— John Wolfe (@JohnWolfeYT) January 7, 2023
A quick look at the Team Cherry site - wow, a team of THREE people? Where's "Sarah"?! pic.twitter.com/3ChGO5WEAk
除了提點如何破解假冒官方釣魚信的盲點,Wolfe 也補充如何識破佯裝成公關公司的詐騙。根據其經驗,從事公關工作的人,不少也會使用社群媒體建立品牌,玩家可以在推特、LinkedIn 搜尋看看來信人的名稱,找不到的話就有可能有問題。當然,也有可能剛好那麼巧當事人沒在玩社群,因此可以查查來信人提及的企業尋找蛛絲馬跡。
Speaking of Sarah, when you get emailed by a PR person, double check on Twitter/LinkedIn to see if they're a real person or not.
— John Wolfe (@JohnWolfeYT) January 7, 2023
If they work in PR, they'll usually have a social media presence. If you can't find them, it's not an immediate red flag, but you should log it away.
If you can't find the PR person who emailed you, at least look up the PR agency they're from. If you got the email from "Kevin Johnson" at "Good Games PR", look up Good Games PR.
— John Wolfe (@JohnWolfeYT) January 7, 2023
If the agency has minimal to no online presence, that's another thing to add to the list.
《空洞騎士:絲綢之歌》預計今年內推出,登陸 PC、Xbox Series X/S、Nintendo Switch,以及 PS4/PS5 平台,發售首日將加入 Xbox Game Pass 陣容。