不只中國媒體!小島秀夫反覆遭誤認成槍擊安倍晉三兇手 工作室:考慮採取法律行動
遊戲角落曾報導中國媒體騰訊網追蹤安倍槍擊案一事,嫌犯配圖竟使用《死亡擱淺》製作人小島秀夫。事實上,不只一家媒體認錯人。據外媒 Kotaku 報導,希臘電視台 ANT1 也報導錯誤消息。除此之外,亦有幾位在推特擁有藍勾勾的人物轉傳非當事人的照片。
In a now deleted tweet, French far-right politician Damien Rieu accused the far-left of murdering Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and used photos of game developer Hideo Kojima instead of pictures of the current suspect Tetsuya Yamagami pic.twitter.com/2zpmL5kVnD
— Nox Dawn 🐸 (@NoxDawn) July 8, 2022
#KojimaProductions strongly condemns the spread of fake news and rumors that convey false information. We do not tolerate such libel and will consider taking legal action in some cases. pic.twitter.com/fDi0FR9kB0
— KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (Eng) (@KojiPro2015_EN) July 9, 2022