用VR裝置Quest 3擺弄holo祭司引粉絲反彈!模型作者也反應 推主刪影片致歉
遊戲角落昨(19)日曾報導,海外 VR 影音內容創作者 Mr.VR 用 Facebook 母公司 Meta 最新 VR 頭戴裝置 Quest 3,展示跟 hololive VTuber 祭司 Ninomae Ina'nis 虛擬模型互動的實機影片。結果引來粉絲跟模型作者的反應,Mr.VR 今(20)日刪除有爭議的推文影片。
— ミスターVR / Mr.VR (@3DVR3) October 19, 2023
Regarding the video I uploaded the other day, in light of the feedback from Ina's fans and the wishes of the model's creator, I have decided to remove it.
I deeply apologize for any discomfort I may have caused.
However, that video represents only a tiny fraction of… https://t.co/3nhnq18CLR
Meta Quest 3 本月正式推出,主打「混合實境」(Mixed Reality)技術,讓使用者能直接透過裝置螢幕,在現實環境中操作虛擬物件。
現階段在社群上已可見許多技術應用的演示影片,來自日本的 Mr.VR 就發布了一支宛如《刀劍神域》世界的虛擬打怪過程。此外,他也用 holo 祭司 Ina,讓網友瞭解目前的技術能跟人物模型互動到什麼程度。
其中跟 Ina 有關的影片有 3 支,第一支是在客廳擺弄著癱軟的角色模型,其餘兩支模擬牽手跟摸頭的效果。未料擺弄 Ina 的影片引起粉絲的反彈,也讓模型的作者私訊 Mr.VR 首支影片已違反模型的使用規範,即便是當事人不是有意觸犯條款。
在模型作者的要求下,外加粉絲給予的壓力,Mr.VR 決定刪除第一部影片並致歉,剩下的則保留,而作者也同意其餘的影片不用移除。
The primary reason for the video's removal was the request of the creator of the Ina model (@suyakouta), not solely feedback from international audiences.
— ミスターVR / Mr.VR (@3DVR3) October 19, 2023
He specified that violent content was against their terms.
While I wanted many to enjoy it, I chose to honor the his wishes. pic.twitter.com/ZTzMv1NcQF
對此,有人力挺 Mr.VR,也有人提醒在做這樣的實機測試前,確實要考慮粉絲的感受,若一時疏忽,觀眾會毫不猶豫地發表意見。
I guess the main issue lies when you are using the model of a vtuber instead of a random character to promote your stuff, you have to consider the fans and culture, it's not just "another 3d model", If you don't they will obviously voice their discomfort, that goes for any model.
— mentakaree (@BurritoBur3726) October 20, 2023