剛辦完3D發表會 hololive特務貓Zeta家人離世將暫停直播一段時間
日前剛辦完 3D 形象發表會的 hololive ID 組「特務貓」Vestia Zeta 昨(17)日宣布因家中成員離世,將暫停直播一陣子。
Hi Zecretary, a family of mine just sadly passed away. Most likely I will not stream or be as active for a while.
— Vestia Zeta (ゼータ) 📜 @ホロライブID (@vestiazeta) October 17, 2023
I hope you can wait for my return, thank you for understanding🙇♀️
隸屬 ID 組三期生的 Zeta 本月 15 日甫以 3D 形象進行直播,帶來原創曲《You're Mine》等歌曲演唱,與風真、尾丸、Mumei 等社內成員互動,另外還有嘗試下腰過雷射房、搬出突然爆衣 Yagoo 等搞笑橋段。
然而在歡樂過後沒幾天,Zeta 便在 X(舊稱推特)平台向各位 Zecretary 公開訃報,表示有家人剛剛不幸去世,因此接下來很可能在一段時間內不會直播或頻繁活躍,盼大家耐心等待他的回歸,並感謝所有人的諒解。
得知此消息,許多粉絲都為 Zeta 加油打氣,希望自己的推能夠慢慢來,調適好心情之後再出發。
My deepest condolences Zeta, please take all the time you need!
— advarcher (@Anonamos_701) October 17, 2023
My deepest condolences
— TAOTAN ⁺˳✧༚🎲 (@Taotan_cos) October 17, 2023
Take your time dear, Pls make sure you rest enough!
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Zeta.
— no (@n0h0j) October 17, 2023
Take all the time you need to, and be with your family. We'll be here waiting for your return whenever you're ready.
I'm sorry for your loss, Zeta. It's never easy when a family member passes away...
— PeaceLight (@PL_PeaceLight) October 17, 2023
Take the time you need. I'm sure Zecretary will patiently wait for your return with open arms. Just hang in there.
my condolences, and I understand, please take some time off without worry
— Katosh (@KatoshSeisou) October 17, 2023