Bae爬Kronii旋轉擺盪!holo同人3D遊戲吐絲蜘蛛鼠曝光 完美尖叫言猶在耳
VTuber 團體 hololive EN 議會組完美的時間女神 Ouro Kronii 日前直播分類益智遊戲《靠左一些些》(A Little to the Left),花 3 個小時破關後,雜談 SC 環節一隻蜘蛛冷不防現蹤天花板,起初她花容失色只盯著看,但那蜘蛛不給面子垂直降落,Kronii 歇斯底里的放聲尖叫 10 秒鐘,最後緊急下播,打破之前聯動《DEVOUR》被鬼嚇到的尖叫紀錄。
事後 Kronii 回顧一笑置之,衍生阿公學者 Vesper 宣稱他是幕後黑手、Bae 祝福這蜘蛛(Kante)放眼國際事業等趣事,這經典瞬間也成為創作題材,獨立遊戲開發者 Kevin牛(Stevens)近日宣布將以 SeafoamBoy 設計的萬聖蛛蛛鼠 Bae 為主題打造 3D 遊戲,像《漫威蜘蛛人》一般吐絲黏住高處,在半空擺盪。
Okay I know I said I wouldn't start a new project until I finished Smol Ame
— Kevin牛 (@KevinCow) January 13, 2023
But that was before I had a funny idea#BaelzBrush
Kevin牛此前曾在 推出許多 hololive 小遊戲,比如 Calli 拿鐮刀打「Ollie 夫球」,Zania 設計的萬聖 Bae 鼠城市冒險、Tako WAH 音笛、小阿梅 2D 平台遊戲等等,如今 Kronii 的尖叫帶來靈感,他決定著手做 Bae 蜘蛛鼠遊戲。
Calliope Mori's Underworld Tour 2022 is out now!#callillust #graveyART
— Kevin牛 (@KevinCow) November 7, 2022
目前釋出的資訊可看見蛛蛛鼠從腳開始攀爬 Kronii 巨型雕像,沒甩幾下,就登上她的 krocopter,時間之尖叫彷彿在耳邊響起
a dramatic reenactment#BaelzBrush #kronillust
— Kevin牛 (@KevinCow) January 14, 2023
Kevin牛昨(15)日解釋初步遊戲理念,「關卡僅為一些讓玩家可以闖蕩其中的 hololive 3D 模型,設計上不成問題,其餘目標是充分利用 3D 空間,並設計一個即時排名系統鼓勵玩家反覆重玩,也許透過獎勵來解鎖(新)關卡。」
I guess this will be the game. Levels are just some Hololive 3D models the player grapples around so I don't really need to worry about level design. Multiple goals to make full use of the space. Time ranking system to encourage replay. Maybe medals are required to unlock levels.
— Kevin牛 (@KevinCow) January 15, 2023
It can be hard to tell how far away things are, so I added a feature to the reticle. As distant objects get closer, it shrinks. Then once they're in range, it starts to expand as they get closer. When the whiskers touch the circle, that's your maximum range.
— Kevin牛 (@KevinCow) January 15, 2023
目前能看到 Sana吉祥物麵包犬的關卡,期待遊戲正式推出,有興趣的讀者推薦追蹤 Kevin牛的推特。
— Kevin牛 (@KevinCow) January 16, 2023