性轉等於跨性別?《不當哥哥了》未正式開播現反對聲音 歐美特定族群不滿動畫呈現方式
動畫未開播先惹議?日本漫畫家貓豆腐筆下喜劇《不當哥哥了!》漫改動畫即將於 1 月 5 日正式開播。據報導,本作性轉屬性吸引歐美跨性別客群的注意,但也引發反彈。
《不當哥哥了!》動畫由 Studio Bind 製作,描述主角緒山真尋性轉的故事。本是宅宅的緒山長時間家裡蹲,待在自己的舒適圈,結果某一天被自己的妹妹做實驗,搖身一變成為女孩。獲得女兒身的緒山,起初相當排斥,隨著時間的推移逐漸接受新身分,也開始結交益友。
本作已於去年年底在 ABMEA 平台先行播出第一集,預計本月 5 日開播。官方已陸續釋出相關 PV,亦有推特網友分享片頭、片尾曲動畫。亞洲地區可能相安無事,但部分歐美等英語系推特用戶出現反對的聲音。面臨「指教」的點不在動畫品質上,而是沒有滿足一些觀眾對於跨性別的看法。
其中一名分享 OP、ED 動畫的網友變被特定族群鎖定,一人推文質疑《不當哥哥了!》為什麼跨性別女孩不能在沒有性化的情況下呈現,另有人直言「這不是我們(意旨特定族群)在動漫中所謂的跨性別表現」。
omg why can’t trans girl get any type of representation without it being sexualized ;-; https://t.co/ShVUrsxqAT
— ♡Valerie the girly♡ (@ValeriePreem) December 30, 2022
this is not what we meant when we asked for trans representation in anime! https://t.co/CWM4d9kggO
— uxie (@uxiedust) December 30, 2022
God I hate these people, let's try not to sexualize minors please https://t.co/38VNSWISNc
— Antalote🏳️🌈 (@oAntalote) December 30, 2022
Me to the Qrts https://t.co/V14KNkfti4 pic.twitter.com/zDLBDXF2IC
— The Horny/Ecchi King(CR: In/Spectre) (@CEOofToLoveRu) December 31, 2022
You know, there's something beautiful about all the QTs crying because this isn't the representation they wanted when the show never said it was about trans people
— GENERAL SHIRO (@WHITESHIRO_101) December 30, 2022
Y'all just decided that in your head and got mad on your own lol https://t.co/HYAeHOqIUU
This is what I meant when I asked for trans representation, thank you Japan, I forgive you for Nanjing #LoveSpeech #IForgiveYouTojo https://t.co/BclLHwDU73
— Jessers 🇲🇴🇲🇿🍬🪀♠️🕎🧩 (@KhmerRougeSissy) December 30, 2022
回歸到爭議點上,動漫圈乃至於其他領域,跨性別角色一直是粉絲之間爭論的話題,格鬥遊戲《聖騎士之戰 -奮戰-》的回歸角色布莉姬特也一度掀起一陣議論,但《不當哥哥了!》對於服務特定族群的取向還有待商榷,畢竟性轉在 ACG 中不在少數。
This is strange.
— <レイフォース> (@rayforcegame) December 31, 2022
Some people seems to delude this is "representation" of trans.
This protagonist's male body is changed into girl body as a result of his sister's experiment.
In that case,I don't think this is trans. https://t.co/D4pTiuqj7j pic.twitter.com/FJPwy5zrzd