傳粉絲模組自製《戰慄時空2:重製典藏版》將登Steam 還獲Valve支持
《戰慄時空2》即將迎來重製版,消息指出由粉絲製作的《戰慄時空2:重製典藏版》(暫譯,Half-Life 2: Remastered Collection)將在 Valve 官方同意下登上 Steam。
去年 5 月《戰慄時空2:重製典藏版》就在非官方數據網站 Steam Database後台出現相關資訊,一直沉寂至現在才有新消息。
The HL2: Remastered that appeared on SteamDB today is highly likely a community mod. It appeared today with a bunch of other "Valve" content because an anonymous user submitted the tokens for them.
— Pavel Djundik (@thexpaw) May 7, 2020
*patiently waiting for all the news sources to pick it up as a big deal*
同樣是透過 Steam Database,曾創立 Valve 新聞網(Valve News Network)的記者 Tyler McVicker 發現《戰慄時空2:重製典藏版》是由模組設計師 Filip Victor 負責開發,在此前 Victor 曾於 2015 年推出《戰慄時空2:更新》(Half-Life 2: Update)。
I have been able to confirm this projects legitimacy, being made by the former Half-Life 2: Update team.
— Tyler McVicker (@Tyler_McV) July 29, 2021
Report incoming. pic.twitter.com/W0r9cnKhie
《戰慄時空2:重製典藏版》起初似乎只打算做成《戰慄時空2:更新》的擴充內容,其中包含 2 個延伸章節,如今擴大成單一重製版項目,且獲得 Valve 支持。
《戰慄時空2:重製典藏版》目前還沒開起 Steam 頁面,實際上市日期未知,McVicker 表示已進一步確認消息真實性,未來或許會有更多情報出現。