淨土將失守? 新型機器學習自瞄外掛現身 恐入侵主機平台
當今遊戲外掛氾濫早已不是新聞,但主要的受災戶仍集中在 PC 平台,主機相對受到保護,暫時還算淨土。
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the next generation of cheating now available on console, and has been for a while but lately its been becoming more popular and more of a trend, consoles are no longer a safe space to play your games legit anymore pic.twitter.com/iEQzPVFf1h
— Anti-Cheat Police Department 🕵️ (@AntiCheatPD) July 5, 2021
雖然類似或是更精細的外掛程式在 PC 平台屢見不鮮,但要是這款外掛在主機平台被惡意濫用,勢必會造成不小民怨。
外掛充斥的問題,讓遊戲廠商不得不重視,像《Apex 英雄》開發商 Respawn Entertainment 上個月底就承諾會增聘人力封鎖作弊玩家,並研發出更快速的偵測系統。
The Respawn team is pursuing several options to crack down on cheating in @playapex:
— Respawn (@Respawn) June 28, 2021
⚒️ Hiring more people to focus on manual bans
🔧 Developing more tools to automatically detect and stop DDOS attacks
🛑 Investigating ways to more quickly catch and remove cheaters from games
《決勝時刻:現代戰域》開發團隊創意總監 Amos Hodge 也曾坦言很討厭外掛,認為作弊的玩家正在毀掉自己精心設計的作品,對此發行商動視已祭出全天候偵測,試圖將外掛一網打盡。