我的馬壓!《碧血狂殺2》玩家玩1,900小時才知道「馬能倒退」 結果不只自己後知後覺

遊戲角落 啄雞
圖/遊戲角落合成 via Rockstar Games、Reddit u/lumbaginator


Reddit 用戶 lumbaginator 就在玩了近 1,900 個小時《碧血狂殺2》之後,在第 5 次通關的時候,才因緣際會得知馬可以倒退走。強調不是在諷刺或開玩笑,自己是真的不知道能這樣做。

On my 5th playthrough with almost 1900 hours of play time, I just found I can back up my horse, I’m not being ironic or making a joke, I deadass didn’t know you could do this.
by u/lumbaginator in reddeadredemption

沒想到 lumbaginator 的「大發現」釣出一些跟自己一樣不知道這個功能的人。其中一人表示自己第 9 次通關正玩到一半,才從一篇 Reddit 的文章知道馬可以倒退嚕。另一人也承認自己是在完全玩完《碧血狂殺2》一輪之後,在網路上收看遊玩影片解鎖這項「馬的」知識。

by u/Crustiest_Sock from discussion On my 5th playthrough with almost 1900 hours of play time, I just found I can back up my horse, I’m not being ironic or making a joke, I deadass didn’t know you could do this.
in reddeadredemption


by u/NicotineLemmon from discussion On my 5th playthrough with almost 1900 hours of play time, I just found I can back up my horse, I’m not being ironic or making a joke, I deadass didn’t know you could do this.
in reddeadredemption

by u/boysen_bean from discussion On my 5th playthrough with almost 1900 hours of play time, I just found I can back up my horse, I’m not being ironic or making a joke, I deadass didn’t know you could do this.
in reddeadredemption

